Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education at Texas State

Looking for teaching resources?

Looking for research-based teaching resources? As a part of our research projects, we have developed (and are developing!) research-based curricular tools. Take a look at what we've been working on. 

Past and Current Grants

We have multiple National Science Foundation grants which fund our various research projects. Find out more about these projects and research opportunities.

Research Publications

Find our various research in undergraduate mathematics education (RUME) related publications here.

About Us

We are a group of Texas State University faculty whose research focuses on undergraduate mathematics education. Our main research interests involve the teaching and learning of advanced mathematics topics such as mathematical modeling, abstract algebra, real analysis, and proof/reasoning. 

students walk quickly down the quad

Work With Us

Interested in studying mathematics education with RUME faculty at Texas State University? Find out more about our PhD program in Mathematics Education.